Communication Traps



You find communication tricky.

You don’t understand why the message doesn’t get through to your discussion partners.

You spoke with plain words, why does she/he not get the meaning of my message?

You’re tearing your hair out……

You are not alone, it happens all the time, with everybody.


BECAUSE, we are different in how we see life, from our learnings, experiences, blocks, frights, environments……

Look at the following:

different perspectives

Depending of the angle you see a situation, a N°6 from one side, will look like a N°9 from the other side? Same for life ( remember the movie “ Dead poet society “ with Robin Williams, the scene where he tells his students to stand on his desk, to see the classroom under a different angle!!!!!!)

different references / habits / styles of life : an American will find 100Kms OK to travel to visit a friend, a Swiss will find it enormous distance!!

different environments: when we surround ourselves with smily, encouraging, positive people, when we do activities we love and nurture our core values → we face our challenges in life with more power, more resilience, more rebound, more creativity for solutions……

==> and that leads us to have completely different perceptions of whatever happens to us in life, different understanding of people and situations…..


5 different persons seeing the same situation will all describe it differently.

That explains the difference between a fact/reality and the story told by different people.

SO HOW TO DECREASE THIS communication trap?

==> put yourself in the shoes of the other, in her/his situation

==> listen attentively ( no distraction) and actively

==> reformulate the words of your discussion partner to make sure you understood her/him, they will tell you if what you reformulate is correct.


Better communication = more chances to move forward

sybille, empowering mindset coach, you are not alone.