Too many people DEPLETE their life because:
THEY focus on the problem, rather than on the solution?
On the negative side rather that on the positive side?
On what is OUT of their control rather than what is IN their control?
On what OTHERS think rather than on what THEY think?
On the disadvantages rather than on the advantages
A problem is a problem, for you, only because you see more disadvantages to it than the advantages of not having that problem.
Yes, it is a powerful switch of mindset to take to regain control of your life.
Give power/put your energy and creativity on the solution, on the positive side, on what’s in your control, on what you think, on the advantages, on empowering questions ( HOW not WHY), …..
You will notice, in you, the change to an empowering mindset, a raise in energy level, an increase in inspiration…..
Tell me what you think!
Sybille, with all my empowering supportÂ