Family care N°3 – Biiiig Challenge march 2023 – Lessons learnt


My 85 years old mother is in a secure and pleasant, independent flat, at last, 800Kms from me, and in a different country. We are both happy of this arrangement.
How it all started: Sunday 5th of march, I am alone in my son’s flat in Zurich, for the week end. I turned on my mobile phone and I hear a message from my mother, 800 Kms away. What I heard froze my blood: she was calling for help, had fallen, crawled to the phone with 3 broken ribs, an enormous injury under her arm and very feeble.
What could I do, so far away?
Fortunately, I called her kind and caring neighbour, who called emergency relief.
She was immediately taken care of and I raced home, took my car and drove straight to emergency where I picked her up Monday night 6th of march.
How we found a secure home for her in record time:
Everybody said it would take months. I knew, it had to be shorter.
It took 17 days!
– finding a nurse to come and change her bandages.
– finding a place where she could live independently, however, still within a secure environment, with very nearby emergency call and night monitoring.
– do all the paper work for entry acceptance: referring physician, test of autonomy, support of social aid……
– plan removal company, stop old place and start new place: water, electricity, gas, phone, bank, insurances, exit and entry inventories, mail follow…………..plan sorting out, giving and dumping excess furniture, small and bigger items………….
We had to sort out 60 YEARS OF HER LIFE in the shortest time possible.
It was a race against discouraging odds.
I was drained mentally and physically.
How help was at hand, support received – WE DID IT!!! – Lessons learnt:
What did I learn during this most challenging time of my life? The emotional charge, the stress were a heavy burden on my shoulders and mind ( I felt a huge relief as soon as her staying place was secure and removal company booked ).
→ ask for help, to people around you, to associations, to local communities, to old and new friends, to the Universe, to God, to everybody you encounter, to unusual people, to never thought of environments, to …………., be precise, give details, dare come out of your comfort zone, dare think out of the box, dare be demanding, dare, dare, dare, dare……..My mum’s welfare and future WAS AT STAKE ( for me )…..for you, any big ( or less big ) challenge, when deeply important for you
→ and then let go, trust you’ve been heard, trust in yourself, in others, in life……..
I was really not seeing how it would work out, at first. I was desperate, I was sad, I was exhausted….
But it did, it worked, everything came into place, at the right timing, as I took actions, step by step, following my plan, believing in myself, encouraging myself, thanking people, being in total gratitude for the support, …….
THAT IS THE BIG LESSON, for anything you want in your life, from my point of view:
– Decide what you want and need
– Put a plan in place and take actions
– Let life unfold for the best for you
The following are requirements, I think, from life, for life to work for you:
– alignment between requests and own values
– total respect of others
– be solutions, advantages, positive side, what IS in my control…..orientated, you’ve read , from me before, about this constructive state of mind!!!!
– trust in your abilities, in others, in life
– listen to others only when it is constructive
– take actions, in alignment with yourself
– stay open to opportunities crossing your path
– be deeply grateful every time, everywhere, with everybody……for your past, your present, your future
– live the present moment in full
– listen to others and make up your own mind
– take responsibility for everything happening in your life
– stay in a learning mode, always
– look for the message/lesson, from life, in everything happening to you
– love yourself – congratulate yourself – be proud of yourself – take care of yourself – reward yourself – make yourself feel good FIRST and then OTHERS.
Only ( in most cases ), by putting yourself first, can you be fully present for others and serve them the best you can ( remember who needs the oxygen mask first , in a plane, in case of drop of pressure in the cabin????!!!!) → this is true ALTRUISM
How it gave me my personal big lesson:
Networking and sharing on the Net is a powerful tool.
However, I want to meet people, I want to share my love, skills, inspiring
state of mind, warm-heartedness live, as well.
So, pushed by my closest supporters, I decided to start live workshops.
It could be called: “ Learn how to awaken your potential”.
3 days:
– 1st day: know yourself better
– 2nd day: identify your mission, your life objectives
– 3rd day: what keeps you from reaching it and plan of actions
I plan a 1st one near Neuchâtel, Switzerland, where I live, end of May 2023.
Then, I wish to have others as well in Geneva, Lausanne, Zurich, Bern….Switzerland.
First week of November 2023, I will do one at the guest ranch of “my sister of heart”, Kathy,
in Republic, Washington state, USA. The KdiamondK ranch and Republic, is where I spent
a school year in 1978/79 as an exchange student. I am still in touch with them since 44 years and went back over 10 times. Kathy invited me to do this workshop in her ranch, a natural, wild and exceptional spot of the world.
Who is it for?:
This workshop is for people really wanting to improve their life, wanting to learn how to transform any challenge, ready to do what it takes and open to learn new ways of thinking, open their mind…
to achieve their goals, expats, English speakers ( although, I can communicate in French and German as well ).
It will be a small group of 12 participants maximum, to have as much personal support as possible and I will select on willingness to change and learn.
I will keep you posted
That was a long post. I had much to say and share.
With all my love and support. You are not alone.