You are not alone


Expat – Entrepreneur – Partner

Helllppp, I am drowning, under: – multi-tasking, multi-choring, multi-requests, run here, run there, meet this person, no, that one, do this , do that, …. 

The sun is burning, the kids are yelling, my partner is drained from work, the meal is not ready, I am late again for this appointment, my business suffers from my ups and downs maybe……


How about:

– slowing down for 1 minute, take a break

– reflect about what you want, what is important for you

– what are your next steps to reach that goal

– who can help me

– what support do I need

– what can top up my energy tank

How about a bit of planning, organizing, prioritising…..

Dare ask for help

Dare try something new

Dare make that move

Dare, dare, dare be yourself, 

Listen to your intuition, 

Listen around to all, gain ideas and then

Take your decision aligned with your values

YOU will feel stronger, more stable, more reliable

You will know what to do, where to go, to whom to speak…..